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Revolutionary Cutting Tools by CURVE-O | Tools Education

Klikken: 241, website toegevoegd: Oct 31, 2014
Revolutionary Cutting Tools by CURVE-O | Tools Education
Revolutionary Cutting Tools by CURVE-O | Tools Education
KOPPELING : curve-o.be
Land: België
trefwoord 1: cutting
trefwoord 2: scissors
trefwoord 3: hairstylist
trefwoord 4: curve o
trefwoord 5: scisors
trefwoord 6: cuting
trefwoord 7: haircut
trefwoord 8: curveo
trefwoord 9: curve o
trefwoord 10: curve o
- designed by Ludovic Beckers - boasts nothing less than groundbreaking innovation in the world of professional hairdressing. Contrary to the traditional straight cutting comb, the Curve-O Advanced Cutting Comb aligns itself with the natural shape